
Showing posts from December, 2021

Camiren's Humanities Story

 2021 Books I did not do a whole lot of reading this year.  Most of the things I read were required readings from classes.  I do plan to read more books following the pandemic when it is safer to go out and check some out for the library or buy from a book store. Christenson, Allen J. Popol Vuh: The Sacred Book of the Maya . University of Oklahoma, 2007. A translation and interpretation of the original story of the Maya.  Explains how people were created from maize as well as what the world was like before people.  It is both informative and exciting. Coontz, Stephanie. The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap . Basic Books, 1992.  Author Stephanie Coontz talks about the bad history of family structure that families of today's era consider the "good ol' days."  I have not finished the book, but the author does talk about how people glorify the families of the past when in reality those families were no better than those of today. Holmes, Seth. F

Antonio Turok

Órgano (Organ Pipe Cactus)  by Antonio Turok, 2018 Órgano (Organ Pipe Cactus)  by Antonio Turok The Mexican Museum in San Francisco is full of various kinds of art from Mexican/Chicano artists.  Looking through the website, I was intrigued by the many beautiful works of art they featured, but one work that caught my eye was called Órgano (Organ Pipe Cactus)  by Antonio Turok.  The work is a low-angle shot of a group of organ pipe cactus.  The sun is visible in the top left corner, and the picture itself appears to be grainy somewhat like a still from an old movie.  Taken in 2018, it would be safe to assume that Antonio Turok's picture was taken in a desert.  Though it is tough to tell which desert it is based on the type of cactus alone.                        Antonio Turok Amanecer en Sand Bay, Nicaragua   by Antonio Turok, 1980 Antonio Turok was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1955.  In the JSTOR journal article "Eikoh Hosoe on Antonio Turok" Hosoe recalls a time in 1974